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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Long time -- But I'm not finished

I can't believe it's been so long since I wrote a post to this blog.

But I've been busy; getting poked and prodded, examined, x-rayed, biopsied, cut and irradiated.  The worst is over; I'm in remission and feel fine.  The second round of treatment begins shortly for a prolonged period to try to prevent the cancer from returning.

I'll see.

I've been working on the family histories, on and off, the whole time.  Now I'm trying to get my focus back and put in a regular schedule with blogs as something interesting turns up.

There are several One-Name Studies going and a One-Place Study.

This is going to be a quick note just to let people know I'm still at it.  There are lots of branches on my tree and I'm related to all of them so they all get attention from time to time.  

Definitely visit my WikiTree tree where a lot of the activity takes place.

See the side menu for links.  Thanks for visiting; leave a comment.

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