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This section is for my Wormuth Family research.  Usually I refer to the Wormuth/Hulse families together because the annual reunion has been known as the Wormuth/Hulse Reunion for as long as I can remember.  But, the 2 families are related only at one generation so I have separated the research for each.

The reunion is called the Wormuth/Hulse reunion because 2 Hulse sisters married 2 Wormuth brothers.  The reunion was begun by one of those couples and, I suppose, because there was another related similar couple who lived nearby and attended and helped get the reunion together it became known that way.  But, over the years, as people moved around and away, it's really become more of a Wormuth reunion and predominantly run by the direct descendants of the originating couple; or so it seems to me.

In any case, most of the Wormuths to whom I'm related, lived in Sullivan and Delaware Counties.  I'm not directly related to the couple who originated the reunion; I'm related to the other Wormuth/Hulse couple.  It's of no important to me; I'm related to both families.

I've created groups at Yahoo.com for most of my primary families to maintain a place where files, charts, and photos can be exchanged and where family members can get to know each other.  This is the link for the Hulse/Wormuth Family group.  Membership and posting is monitored by yours truly to prevent the crazies from being a pest.  Membership is free so take a look and join.  Once on the site, members can create their own folders and photo albums for sharing with the group.  Everything I post on the site is available for members to take (download).

When you visit this blog, please leave a comment so I know there's some interest.

Thank you.

September 22, 2019

This is a list of Wormuth family documents I currently have indexed.  They are available as copies.  Please email me at familytracker@yahoo.com if you would like a copy.  Please identify yourself and your relationship to the person(s) named in the document.  List as of this date; more to come.

Birth Surname Given Name SurnameAKA Record Name
Wormuth Alfred D. wife's pension application.
Wormuth Alfred Dennis draft registration
Wormuth Alfred Dennis draft registration, verso
Wormuth Augustus Charles birth certificate
Wormuth Fanny  Green marriage license to James Green
Wormuth Fanny  Green marriage license to James Green
Wormuth Florence Augusta Smith Death Certificate
Wormuth Harry marriage license to Mary Alice Kyte
Wormuth Howard obit, Howard I. Wormuth
Wormuth James Francis Death Certificate
Wormuth John military pension index, John Wormuth, widow's name.
Wormuth Joseph death certificate
Wormuth Joseph newspaper death notice
Wormuth Joseph Obit
Wormuth Laura Augusta transcription, death certificate, Laura Augusta Wormuth
Wormuth Margaret marriage certificate, original, trimmed.
Wormuth Margaret E. Beismer death certificate, Margaret Eleanor Beimser
Wormuth Margaret E. Beismer funeral card, Margaret E. Beismer
Wormuth Margaret Eleanor Beismer marriage certificate, original, trimmed.
Wormuth Mary Neer marriage certificate  to Lee Williams
Wormuth Mary Ann Ruby Death Certificate
Wormuth Mary Eleanor Geni record
Wormuth Nellie transcription, death certificate, Nellie Wormuth
Wormuth Olive Sutter marriage license to William A. J. Sutter
Wormuth Peter marriage announcement, Grace Ramsey
Wormuth Peter, Jr. death certificate and letter from Town Clerk of Delaware, NY
Wormuth Peter, Jr. Obituary from Tusten Town Historian collection
Wormuth Stephen military registration, Stephen Wormuth
Wormuth Stephen Obit
Wormuth Stephen military pension index, Stephen Wormuth
Wormuth Stephen, Jr.  marriage announcement to Elizabeth Stanton, newspaper
Wormuth Stephen, Jr.  transcription of marriage announcement to Elizabeth Stanton, newspaper
Wormuth Thomas J. transcription, death certificate, Thomas J. Wormuth
Wormuth Thomas J. index, death certificate, Thomas J. Wormuth
Wormuth Walter A. obit
Wormuth William M. Marcus Wormuth funeral card
Wormuth William Marcus obit

December 22, 2017

I recently posted on Facebook a few primary direct lines from as far back as I've traced them.  This one doesn't go very far back, brick wall, broken line, there was an early line in Montgomery Co., NY then another in Sullivan Co. Peter Wormuth, b. maybe Montgomery Co., NY, born roughly 1789, then Joseph, b. 1814, 

Joseph Wormuth

then Thomas James b. 1846, married Fannie Hulse, 

Thomas James Wormuth, known as James

then my maternal grandmother, Margaret Eleanor, b. 1887, Livingston Manor, Sull. Co., NY, d. 1973.

Margaret Eleanor "Maggie" Wormuth Beismer

April 1, 2015

Harriet Barecolt, married to Peter Wormuth - or was she?  

Joseph Wormuth's death certificate has his mother's name as Harriet Barecolt.

Through all these years, I've found no such surname.

According to census records, Peter Wormuth, before marrying Grace Ramsey (her previously married surname), in 1849, had about 4 or 5 sons.  Censuses before 1850 don't provide personal names for anyone in families other than the head of household but piecing together information from later censuses and calculating ages of his children, it appears that Joseph had at least 3 brothers: John, Peter, jr. and Stephen.  

If Barecolt isn't a viable surname, what was her name?  You find, over time, that even "official" documents have lots of errors and, apparently, people weren't asked for an accurate spelling of their names; what was written down was what was heard.

In order to try to find out what her name actually was, it occurred to me that I should try to get death certificates for John, Peter and Stephen.  So far, I haven't been able to find them, or obituaries.

However, I have found, in Stephen's military registration, that his mother is listed as Mary.  I've sent for a copy of his military file to see if there's any more information.

Since Harriet Barecolt is listed as Joseph's mother and someone named Mary is listed as Stephen's mother, and Peter Wormuth married Grace Ramsey in 1849, there's a good chance that Peter quickly remarried when he lost a wife and there are,  conceivably, more wives to discover.  There are, at least, 3 wives for Peter Wormuth, sr.:  Harriet, Mary and Grace; unless Harriet was Harriet Mary or Mary Harriet.

Joseph was born in 1814, John in 1815, Stephen in 1823 and Peter, jr. in 1827.  There are nearly 10 years between John and Stephen so it's possible that Harriet died and Peter married Mary.  I have documentation on Peter's marriage to Grace in 1849 and they were still married when Peter died.  I've found no documentation, other than those already cited, on either Harriet or Mary.

Peter was living in Bainbridge in 1820, in Liberty in 1830.  If Stephen was born in 1823 and his mother was Mary, not Harriet, then Harriet was gone by 1823.  If Peter married Grace in 1849, Mary was gone by then.

BTW, The 1855 NYS Census reports that Peter was born in Montgomery Co., thereby connecting our Wormuth family with the Mohawk Valley Wormuths.

Wormuth Rock, Cherry Valley, NY
More work to do to 


  1. I know how much work you have been putting into this and wanted to say thanks!!

    1. You're welcome, Jamie, and thank you for leaving a comment.

  2. Thanks for all your hard work & sharing it all with us!

  3. Very interesting research. My great grandmother is Grace Wormuth and I've been able to find an extensive amount of information on Anscestry.com. I assume most of this was done by you?

    1. I'm so sorry I didn't see this before. I'd better check my settings because I didn't get a notification that there was a comment. Could be my research but there are other Wormuth researchers as well. There's a Grace Wormuth by birth, daughter of Henry Wormuth and Grace Elliot and two Grace Wormuth's by marriage: Henry Wormuth's wife and Peter Wormuth's wife. Peter's Grace is a confusion for me because we had long standing family lore that his wife was Harriet Barecolt (whose surname doesn't exist) but he had children before he married Grace Ramsey so... and that marriage was, so far, too early to discover. Which Grace is your great grandmother?

  4. My ancestor is Sara E. Wormuth. Born 1842-1845, depending on which source you look at. She died in 1907. She was married to Levi Conklin sometime after 1860 when his first wife died. I know Sara's maiden name was Wormuth because it was listed on her son Daniel's marriage certificate. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:939Z-1CZJ-4?i=436&cc=1618491 In the 1870 census, Levi and Sara are listed right before Joseph Wormuth's household in Liberty, so they must have been neighbors. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-62B9-SX5?i=77&cc=1438024 I'm wondering if Joseph and Eleanor Wormuth are Sara's parents. Do you know? In Joseph's 1860 census (right before she would have married Levi), Joseph and Eleanor have a 17 year old daughter, Elizabeth Wormuth, who was born approx. 1843. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9BSX-9G5B?i=40&cc=1473181 By the next census (after my Sara E. would have been married), Elizabeth is no longer in the house, but Sara E. Wormuth is their neighbor. Do you know anything about the Elizabeth Wormuth, who is listed as Joseph and Eleanor's daughter in 1860? Do you think Elizabeth Wormuth could be Sara Elizabeth Wormuth? Also, my great great grandmother Bessie Belle Conklin Houk (maternal grandaughter of Sara E. Wormuth Conklin) had very Native American features. Bessie told my grandmother (still living) that her (Bessie's) grandmother was descended from the Seneca tribe. Our ancestry DNA confirms a Native American ancestor. We are not sure if Bessie meant Sara or her paternal grandmother. Do you know if Joseph or any of the Wormuths appear Native American? The name Harriet Barecolt caught my attention as possibly being Native American. Any information is appreciated! Thanks!

  5. Thank you for all of your hard work.

  6. Though I'm not, so far, a relative, my sister in law was, and attended the Wormouth reunions faithfully!
    I am, however, very interested in the history of the area and my genealogical role in it...which ran side-by-side with the familiar names in your blog. I'm impressed with your blog and the education you offer regarding genealogy thanks!


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