Lorraine Iona O'Dell
born: November 22, 1948, Walton, Delaware County, NY
currently living in New Jersey
BA in Spanish
MLS Library Science
1 adult son
1 granddaughter
never married
Doing family history research for over 40 years. Not a professional genealogist, but a professional librarian with similar skills.
Software used to store family history database - Ancestral Quest. I formerly used PAF from the Mormon Church but they no longer support it so I spent some time looking for something to replace it. Ancestral Quest is built on PAF so I was able to easily transfer my data into it and was easily able to find my way around the database. I highly recommend it.
I research ALL my family lines and, when necessary, research collateral families (by marriage) if I think I can find information there.
My primary families are: BEISMER, WORMUTH, ODELL, OLIVER, MATTICE, DEBECK, FLOWER(S), HAYDEN, HENDRICKS(ON), HOGANCAMP, HULSE, PLATNER, VANDERMARK, CHASE, CRANDALL. I research, of course, all the variant spellings of those surnames.
I have found the origins of only one of those families, the MATTICE family who immigrated to the New York colony in 1711-1712, first from Germany to England, then from England to East Settlement on the Hudson, as part of the Palatine ships.
Decendant of Elias and Phoebe (Hulse) Wormuth, Grandparents Levi and Katie, Mother Fay (Wormuth) white reunion Aug 13th at the Amer Legion hall Hancock NY 11:00-3:00 email inchrtwo@gmail.com