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Saturday, May 22, 2021

New 4th Cousin


I just "met" another 4th cousin a couple of days ago through WikiTree.  It's always fun.

New About page.  See the tab at the top.

The Beismer Name Study has begun.  

What, exactly, is a One-Name Study.  Here's the definition from WikiTree"

"A One Name Study (ONS) is a project that focuses on researching all occurrences of an individual surname. The objective of a one-name study is not just the collection of data and names; The ultimate aim of an ONS is to research the genealogy and family history of all persons with a given surname. As a part of an ONS, researchers attempt to identify and understand items including, but not limited to:

  • Name origins (or earliest references);
  • Name meanings (are they matronymic, occupational, patronymic, topynomic, etc.);
  • The relative frequency or occurence of the name;
  • Patterns in migration; and
  • Name variations and specific name branches."
In this study, we (mostly me right now), will be studying the Beismer surname as well as all the variant spellings I can find.  I will not be researching the Bessemer (steel)  surname or surnames that look similar but are pronounced Bays-mer.

I can use help.  There's a lot of work to do.  Any little bit of help would be appreciated.  In order to help, you have to join WikiTreeIT'S FREE.  And, you have to read and be willing to follow the Honor Code that you will find there.  It's also a good idea to read most of what's in the One-Name Study Project pages and watch some of their videos.  It's fun.  Really!!  News from the study will be posted on the Surname page in this blog (see the tabs at the top).

While you're at WikiTree to consider helping with the study, you can look up relatives to see if they're there.


The Wormuth Name Study has begun.  

Read what's written about the above study; the same for the Wormuth Name Study.  News from the study will be posted on the Surname page in this blog (see the tabs at the top).

Please come and help.  While you're at WikiTree to consider helping with the study, you can look up relatives to see if they're there.  

Thank you.

I looked for a photo that could be related to the News. I know the man on our right is Silas Beismer, my great grandfather.  The man on our left is either a Beismer, a Wormuth, or a Swartwout.  If you know who he is, let me know.  Thank you.