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Sunday, December 29, 2024

New Resource

 Today, I was lead to a new resource that should keep me busy for a long, long time.

Ancestor Hunt is a free web site that provides links to a variety of resources and records important for family history research.  Some are better than others.  I just spend about an hour looking through quite a few church records and found a few things.

I recommend taking a look at the web site to see if there's anything there for you.

That's it; just a quick note to let you know about this resource.



Thursday, December 26, 2024

Ebay and family history

Ebay can be a source of interesting family history treasurees.  Think about it.

There are bibles, photos, postcards and a variety of paaphernalia.

I last bought the following from a book on the history of Onondaga County:

I'm conducting a One-Name Study on the Wormuth family, with variant spellings.  I don't know if I will find a family connection or not but it will illustrate and enhance the Study's blog.

I've found photos and various things that provide tiny clues for various branches of my family tree.

I bought this wonderful photo years ago:

Amanda Mattice

She's not a relative but I rescued her photo and will send it to anyone who is related to her.  I did the same with this photo and this is actually my Great Great Grandmother, Mary Jane Hogancamp.

So, if you like collect things, and you're interested in family history, you can sometimes find things on Ebay to satisfy both interests.

Have a good day.