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Saturday, September 14, 2019

The 1950 U.S. Census Release Date

The 1950 US Census images will be released April 2022.  It's not that far off.  I will appear on that census, having been born in 1948, as will many of my cousins.  For me it will mean family lines I have been following will be brought up to the point of my generation and some hole will be filled in the family tree.

Still, going backwards, I am pretty much stuck at brick walls in most of my family lines.  There are many gaps in family lines, many mysteries.

However, I just last week, found an ancestor in somebody's online family tree who I had no information about after 1860 when she was 14.  I had assumed she had died but, in this tree and after contact with the tree's owner, I found she had married the brother of one of her sister's husbands.

It's that kind of surprise that makes the hunt interesting.  So now another branch of that family has spread out through my database and there are more relatives out there to find.

It's great fun.

I'm still hoping to find a relative who has a photo of Uncle Marcus Wormuth.  My mother had one but it was destroyed in a roof leak.  😢

Photographs help me keep individual people straight in my mind; who was who.  So, I appreciate it when people share their family photos with me and I'm always happy to share family photos with those who are related.  I have quite a few that have been given to me over the years.  I'm trying to organize and index them so I can give people lists of what I have.  There are still a lot that haven't been digitized yet.

Back to it.

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